Friday, March 23, 2012

Family Fun Days

Our Family Fun Days are upon us. This weekend is the first at our camp property in Simsboro, LA - Wawbansee. There will be archery, canoeing, crafts and so much more fun for the whole family.  The good thing about these Fun Days is that you don't have to be a Girl Scout to enjoy them. Anyone can come out and discover the fun and friendships to be found in Girl Scouting.  Hopefully the weather will cooperate and we will have tons of good pictures to share with everyone. Because after all...a picture says 1,000 words. Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

video making magic

I am trying to make a video. I should start off by saying I have little to NO experience in this area. I can point the camera and click the button, but after that I rely almost entirely on technology to take over for me. Then the processing comes which of course I am spectacular at...upload, order, pick up at the drug store. Easy enough! This video making is I am afraid, foreign territory.  With that said we have tons of pictures from our fabulous 100th Anniversary Celebration and while we have shared the link to the album. I really want to make something the girls can enjoy that coincides with the theme of the event. So please keep your eyes out over the next few days and hopefully there will be an amazing video to view. In the meantime please enjoy the raw data (photos)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


So, here at GSLPG we are tweaking our social networks. This blog has been forgotten and left in the dust. Very soon we will have a newly designed blog site to share all of our wonderful stories.  I just cannot wait to regale you all with the tales of our council. I am going to start with our fabulous 100th Anniversary Party that we held last month.  It was a huge success and I have pictures galore.  Please stay tuned for more great info to come.